Magnificent alpenglow on Mount Shasta.
It has been a few weeks since Mount Shasta has been embellished by a spectacular cloud display. Last night I even griped about the absence of sunset fireworks around the mountain and sifted through my lenticular cloud gallery as a reminder that, yes, there are great sunset spectaculars around the mountain, even in the heat of the summer. Providentially, the very next evening the mountain was beset by towering thunderheads rising majestically above Mount Shasta. As the sun set, they turned vibrant shades of orange, pink and red. It was a marvelous sight to behold. The show was made even more enjoyable since, while standing behind my tripod capturing the images, I was able to chat on the phone with my brother about his oldest son, who is in the midst of his pleb summer at the U.S. Naval Academy. In my book, that is an excellent and memorable sunset!
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