Not a great lenticular, but a nice morning nonetheless.
I have just a few quick things I want to note that don’t necessarily fit into a full post. First, as always, I like to point out lenticulars when I see them. There are a few reasons for my continued fascination with these formations, but whatever the motive, I think they are worth acknowledging when they show up. That said, there was another one this morning. Hopefully, the continued changes in the weather pattern will produce another really memorable one like we had a few days ago.
Second, I wanted to throw out the comment link for the Forest Service’s Gateway Trail Phase II program. I will be posting my thoughts on this soon, but in the mean time, here is the powerpoint from the public meeting. Comments can be emailed to
Also, I have finally updated the map for the Lake Siskiyou Trail. The old one failed to show many changes, most notably the addition of the Chateau Trail, which, thankfully, bypasses the section along the road. That improvement alone makes the trail a much, much nicer loop.
Speaking of Lake Siskiyou, it has been rather idyllic there the last few days. With warm weather and snowcapped peaks, the lake is a fantastic place to go for a hike, take the family and play and just enjoy the sunshine. I took my family there the other day and the kids had a blast playing in and adding onto driftwood huts. It reminded me of the days I spent doing the same things at the Sonoma Coast.
That is all for now. I will have my Gateway Phase II post up soon. Pray for snow!