A lush wonderland at the Old Ski Bowl
The last winter was extremely heavy and deep snows have persisted throughout the state all summer. As in years past, this leads to a late opening of the road to the Old Ski Bowl on Mount Shasta. When conditions are normal, the road typically opens on July 1st. This allows for the snow to melt, the road to be cleared of debris and for sensitive sites like Panther Meadow to dry out somewhat, so that the delicate environment will be a bit more durable. When the snows are heavy, this entire process is necessarily delayed. This is the case this year.
Fortunately, the conditions have finally aligned for a projected opening for the road. According to the Forest Service, the gate at Bunny Flat is slated to be opened on August 8th. At that time, Panther Meadow, the Old Ski Bowl and all the excellent back country destinations reached via those trailheads will be accessible.
The Old Ski Bowl is arguably the most spectacular trailhead not just in the Mount Shasta Area but also in the entire North State. It is among the highest in elevation, it has staggering views not just of Mount Shasta but of the entire region and the trails that begin there are some of the most beautiful in the area. Whether going up to hike or just enjoy the view, it is worth the investment of time to head up there.
There are 4 trails that begin in the Old Ski Bowl/Panther Meadow area:
An Old Ski Bowl Area Gallery: