The Mount Shasta region is justly famous for its grand mountains. Though somewhat overshadowed by the rugged nature of the terrain, the area is also known for its excellent rivers. Wild and beautiful, these rivers flow through deep canyons and wide valleys, complementing the deep power of the mountains with beauty, grace, energy and a power all their own. The Sacramento, California’s largest and longest river begins in the mountains just west of Mount Shasta and makes the first steps of its long journey within sight of the great volcano. The McCloud River begins its journey east of Mount Shasta but flows near the foot of the mountain, its beautiful waterfalls complementing the mountain perfectly. The Shasta River flows north through the Shasta Valley. Almost its entire journey is within sight of the mountain. The Trinity and Klamath Rivers are a little further away and neither flow right around Mount Shasta but both fall within the peak’s orbit and add a great deal of beauty and recreation to the region. Click to enlarge the galleries.
Sacramento River

The McCloud River

The Shasta River

The Trinity River

Klamath River